Sunday, November 1, 2009

Copenawesome - an Autumn glow

I've managed many a smile in the couple weeks since my last post. Copenhagen continues to grow on me as I am now well past the half-way point of my stay. On my bike rides home from work this past week, while being overwhelmed with all the crisp goodness that is fall, I first articulated to myself how I will undoubtedly miss this place when I fly home in January. Of course that just further pointed out the obvious, of how fortunate I am to be here and made me thankful yet again.

There have been a few specific times in my life, which as they were happening, I was able to identify as moments that would stick with me for a long time, almost like a lucid dream. Two such occasions come to mind on boats in Kodiak, one in a nook of Izhut Bay at anchor watch on the Saturn, and the other southwest of Karluk on an early morning wheel watch. Now another, in a park in Copenhagen last week. The fall colors and crisp weather are truly spectacular right now, and combining that with the old buildings, canals, parks, dynamic clouds, and the endorphins from my 5K bike commute, the stars in my head all seemed to align. It was an intersection of my stimulated physical senses with a sincere reflective appreciation of my ability to experience such a moment. I think it largely boils down to just stepping back long enough to tip my hat at the miracle of being alive.

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